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Ice Cream? For Breakfast?

Julie Domicone

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

Yes, you read that right. On Saturday, February 3rd, Jubie’s Creamery will be celebrating your new favorite holiday at both locations! Look out Santa and a weeks worth of Thanksgiving leftovers -- you’ve got some new competition.

This is the one day of the year when you can grab a spoon and open your freezer before noon without being judged (not that we would ever judge you for that anyway). The one day where it’s socially acceptable to ignore your mom when she say’s you can’t have dessert before dinner. The one day you never knew you wished existed.

We’re talking about National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.

Some of you may still be skeptical that this is, in fact, a real holiday. We get it. It sounds way too good to be true. You’ve got some real questions, and we’ve got some real answers. Welcome to everything you need to know about National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day.

Is this really a National Holiday?

You better believe it. National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day was born in the 60s and is now celebrated by ice cream shops all over the U.S. on the first Saturday in February every year.

Okay, so how did it start?

By the smartest woman we know – a mother named Florence Rappaport from New York. She and her 6 children were stuck inside one very cold, very snowy February morning. The last thing she wanted was for her kids to become restless and cranky (like most of us are feeling this time of year), so she had to find some way to keep them entertained. A light bulb went off, and she said asked the one question every kid dreams their mom would ask, “Who wants ice cream for breakfast?” From then on, her kids reminded her every February that they must keep the tradition alive. The rest, as they say, is history.

How do I celebrate it?

There are only a few things that need to happen for you to properly celebrate National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day:

  1. Wait until the first Saturday of February

  2. Wake up

  3. Eat ice cream immediately

Fun Fact: Some are even saying it might be good for you.

But, what’s the best way to celebrate?

What better way to celebrate than with Jubie’s? We’ll be celebrating from 8:30AM – 12PM in Fairborn and 10am -1pm in Moraine! Bring the whole fam, wear your PJs, and indulge in a true Breakfast of Champions. We’ll be wearing our PJs all day (and giving out discounts for your next Jubie's trip if you do too), offering specialty breakfast inspired menu items, getting pictures with Jubie, and handing out FREE MUGS to the first 35 orders. Trust us, you won’t want to hit snooze one too many times for this one! All menu items will be offered on a first come, first serve basis while supplies last.

Can I celebrate any other way?

Of course! There are many different ways to spread the joy of eating our favorite dessert first thing in the morning. Throw an at-home breakfast party complete with homemade breakfast pastries topped with our limited time Coffee & Donuts Ice Cream. Skip the milk in your cereal bowl and add a hefty serving of Vanilla Pearl instead. Plop a dollop of Choc-A-Lot in your morning Cup O’ Joe to make the most award-winning mocha you’ve ever had. As long as you’re eating ice cream in the morning, the possibilities are endless!

Is there something more to Ice Cream for Breakfast Day?

Actually, Yes. And we’re so glad you asked! As the holiday has grown more popular over the years, several ice cream shops around the US have started to use it to raise money for charities. We wanted to do our part too, so this year a portion of the proceeds from our Ice Cream for Breakfast Day Event will be donated back to your local YMCA. Is it still too good to be true? Possibly. Are we going to celebrate it anyway? Definitely yes.

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